Body Type + Color Analysis

Body Type + Color Analysis


Fully virtual yin/yang body analysis and color analysis based on the 12-type seasonal color system.

Perhaps you aren’t quite sure of your color type or you want some help confirming your yin/yang body type. You send me your photos, and I’ll send you a personalized body and color analysis, plus over 50 pages of inspirational and educational guides for both your body type and your color type!

Your body and color analysis will include:

  • a full analysis of your personal coloring

  • a visual guide to understanding your body’s shapes

  • a deep-dive into your unique physical qualities

  • a personalized guide for harmoniously combining your body and color recommendations

Your body type guide will include:

  • descriptions and examples of your yin/yang body type

  • in-depth clothing and fit recommendations

  • outfit formula recommendations

  • how to use color and contrast for your body type

  • makeup looks for your body type

  • hairstyle recommendations

  • style elements and outfit combinations to avoid

Your color type guide will include:

  • your full 36-shade color palette

  • inspirational focused color palettes and imagery

  • makeup color recommendations

  • outfit color combinations using the 6 color matching methods

Required photos:

  • one photo of your face in natural light (near a window) wearing a black top, no makeup

  • one photo of your face in natural light wearing a white top, no makeup

  • one photo in natural light wearing your favorite top, with or without makeup

  • one full-body photo wearing solid-colored clothing that does not obscure your figure (i.e. workout gear, bathing suit, etc.), camera positioned at chest-height, relaxed stance

  • one full-body photo wearing solid-colored clothing that does not obscure your figure, camera positioned at chest-height, arms held away from sides

Upon purchase, you will receive a First Steps email which includes instructions to take and submit your photos. You will receive your analysis and e-books within two weeks of completing your photo submission. I can’t wait to help you take the next big step in your personal style journey!

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25-Item Capsule Wardrobe + Full Image Analysis
